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Author: Gen (R) Mirza Aslam Baig
Trump is an interesting personality, frank, outspoken with an impolite mannerism. He now is the President of the United States of America, elected after a tough election campaign where he exposed his plans, his thought perceptions and almost all the facets of his personality, without inhibitions. Some of the issues he raised during the campaign were serious matter, concerning the American people:
From the above one gets a clearer view of Trumps vision whereas the American press shows prejudice and projects a different picture:
“The more pressing concern many of us had about Mr. Trump is that he simply isn’t up to the job of being president. His chronic lack of restraint will not be confined to Twitter. Rather than try to address the alienation and anger that exists in America, he will amplify them. A man with illiberal tendencies, a volatile personality and no internal checks is now president. This isn’t going to end well,” says the New York Times.
“That Mr. Trump will fail to see the limits of his authority and will try to use both, the bully pulpit and the power of government – the I.R.S., the F.B.I., regulatory agencies and others – to settle personal scores. He’ll do what he needs to in order to get his way. That has been the animating force in his life” Another opinion piece in the New York Times.
Trump holds the key to peace in Afghanistan. The eight years war in support of the Mujahideen, forced the Soviets to retreat, yet, instead of granting power sharing to the winners – the Mujahideen, they were declared extremists, inducing the civil war which lasted for over eight years and gave birth to Taliban, who established their rule in Afghanistan. In 2001, America and their NATO allies invaded and occupy Afghanistan but were defeated, yet they continue to hang-on to a residual force of few thousand. This is the precarious situation Trump has inherited. Soon he will come to know the facts, as well as the alternative facts, and will find the way out.
There appears a method in Trump’s madness in his selection of his top team comprising such icons as “mad-dog General Mattis” and the like. Sure they would deliver. It’s a confederation of oligarchs, with a piercing sense of conquest. Yet, they have to tread softly, because the star-spangled American land is different from the killing fields of Afghanistan and Iraq. Trump has entered the White House with an open mind. He doesn’t suffer from the “Terrible Mindset” which caused such embarrassing defeat to America and the allies in Afghanistan and Iraq. That makes the big difference now and the big step forward.
(Published in Monthly Tribute International on 01-02-2017)
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