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How China Views Itself And The World

How China Views Itself And The World

There are a number of developments in China that Islamabad needs to watch not only because Pakistan is one of the many countries China borders. It is important for those…

Our Brave Shaheens

Our Brave Shaheens

Today, I would like to tell you about some of the great deeds of our air force heroes. They have served Pakistan gallantly many times over, the most recent occasion…

Lest You Forget

Lest You Forget

At Kahuta, we were not only a team of colleagues, but all part of one family. We were all working towards one goal: to make nuclear weapons (and later, a…

March Towards Good Governance

March Towards Good Governance

The concept of good governance centers on the responsibility of governments and governing bodies to meet the needs of the masses as opposed to select groups in the society. It…

Energy Crisis In Pakistan

Energy Crisis In Pakistan

Energy is considered to be life line of any economy and most vital instrument of socioeconomic development of a country. Energy is essential in running machinery in factories and industrial…

Bringing Technological Development Into CPEC

Bringing Technological Development Into CPEC

Initially, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) initiative will focus on two sectors: energy and highways. The bulk of the funds that are coming in are committed to solving Pakistan’s energy…

Improving The Narrative About Pakistan

Improving The Narrative About Pakistan

Pakistan’s future also depends on the way the country is perceived by the world outside. The country’s narrative needs to change. It is viewed negatively by the world at large…

On May 28

On May 28

May 28, 1998 is an unforgettable day in the history of Pakistan. This day is as important to us as August 14, 1947. In 1947 we gained our independence and…

No Scientific Excellence, No Progress

No Scientific Excellence, No Progress

Since time immemorial, man has been attempting to use the resources of the earth for his own well-being so as to live a prosperous and comfortable life. With the passage…

Technology – A latest mode for teaching delivery (Part 4)

Technology – A latest mode for teaching delivery (Part 4)

Continued from part 3, in this session lets look at the aspects that make any system more user friendly. User friendliness of any system consists of the factors including usability…

Technology – A latest mode for teaching delivery (Part 2)

Technology – A latest mode for teaching delivery (Part 2)

Technology – A latest mode for teaching delivery (Part 2) Introduction Continued from part 1, in this session I will discuss different Virtual Learning Environments available in the market, what…

Technology – A latest mode for teaching delivery (Part 1)

Technology – A latest mode for teaching delivery (Part 1)

Introduction How do Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs), Personal Learning Environment (PLEs) and Content Management Systems (CMS) differ from one another? This has always been a difficult question for some people…