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Khamenei’s Response To ‘Trump’s Reckless Operation’

Khamenei’s Response To ‘Trump’s Reckless Operation’

Qasim Suleimani was the top military leader of Iran, playing active role in the Middle East region, as well as Afghanistan. In fact, he was described as the “single most…

Forgotten Agenda Of Reforms And Institution Building

Forgotten Agenda Of Reforms And Institution Building

Before coming into power, Imran Khan was known for his understanding and commitment for institution building and reforms. However, his rule and the year 2019 proved him doing otherwise. For…

India Must Resist Policy Of Racial Division

India Must Resist Policy Of Racial Division

It has been five months since the government of India slammed Kashmir and more than eight million of its residents into a lockdown, isolated from most of the world and…

India A War Like State

India A War Like State

A few days ago US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo and Secretary of Defense Mark Esper held bilateral talks with their Indian counter parts dubbed as two-plus-two ministerial dialogue and…

Third November action: Pervez Musharraf didn’t consult cabinet, PM, governors

Third November action: Pervez Musharraf didn’t consult cabinet, PM, governors

The FIA Inquiry Report on 3rd Nov 2007 Emergency, which led to the institution of high treason case against Pervez Musharraf, had concluded that “irrefutable proof and concrete documentary evidence”…

Pervez Musharraf used delaying tactics to prolong high treason case for six years

Pervez Musharraf used delaying tactics to prolong high treason case for six years

The prosecution in high treason case against General (R) Pervez Musharraf had completed its job by closing the evidence in Sept 2014 but the case lingered on for over five…

India Splinters With Divisive Moves

India Splinters With Divisive Moves

It has been more than four months since the people of Kashmir in the Indian administered region have been placed under heavy armed lockdown, with all communication to the outside…

Indian Claims Refuted

Indian Claims Refuted

Reportedly, 38 Kashmiris have been martyred since 5th of August out of which 7 were either killed in fake encounters or during custody. Consequently an atmosphere of fear and intimidation…

The Conspiracy That Failed

The Conspiracy That Failed

What happened during the last few months was ‘a crisis period’ for the state institutions, drifting in a state of helplessness to handle an ordinary matter of the state. Luckily…

Basics Of Our Own Liking

Basics Of Our Own Liking

IT is always better to begin with the basics. In recent times a debate has raged over an ailing prime minister and what legal and medical and political cures could…

The Shameful Collapse Of Indian Judiciary

The Shameful Collapse Of Indian Judiciary

Nothing coming out of India seems to surprise me lately. After the reported arbitrary arrests of Muslims in some states tending to their cattle business, to the mob lynchings that…

Kashmir Should Be Free

Kashmir Should Be Free

October 27th, 1948, is forever scarred in the collective minds of the Kashmiri people as the day they became occupied. And more recently the arbitrary abrogation of Article 370 of…

The Israeli Operatives In Washington

The Israeli Operatives In Washington

Israel’s Netanyahu publicly declares his intention of annexing Palestinian land for illegal Israeli settlers. He says it loudly and he does not fear retribution. Why? Because he is confident America…

How China Views Itself And The World

How China Views Itself And The World

There are a number of developments in China that Islamabad needs to watch not only because Pakistan is one of the many countries China borders. It is important for those…

Threat By Indian Army Chief

Threat By Indian Army Chief

Indian Army Chief General Bipin Rawat talking to an Indian media outlet alleged that Pakistan had reactivated terror facility at Balakot and in a threatening tone said “ India will…

Modi’s Mass-Citizen Review Agenda For India

Modi’s Mass-Citizen Review Agenda For India

What is happening in both Kashmir and Assam is an attempt to change the demographics in favour of Hindus. Kashmiris fear the government’s real plan in wiping out their autonomy…

The Other Side Of The Coin

The Other Side Of The Coin

My recent articles on Kashmir have evoked a wide range of responses that keep trickling into my mailbox. The majority seems to be in agreement with my alarm at the…

India’s Democracy Is At Stake

India’s Democracy Is At Stake

My columns on the recent events in Kashmir have prompted a flurry of letters, some supportive of my views while others vehemently opposed to them and accusing me of being…

Trump Taking The World Towards Another Recession

Trump Taking The World Towards Another Recession

Is the world heading towards another economic downturn? If the answer is “probably yes” what is the main reason for this development and how can the situation be reversed if…

Disadvantage Of Incumbency

Disadvantage Of Incumbency

Sitting governments all over the world suffer from what is called disadvantage of incumbency. Their opponents, commentators, analysts and even media, relish the prospect of having a dig at the…

The Current State

The Current State

For the last two or three months the country has been in the grip of commotion. On the one hand, we had the news of the martyrdom of Pakistanis due…

India’s Road To Fascism

India’s Road To Fascism

What so-called democracy in the world invades a disputed territory that has enjoyed autonomy for decades with tens of thousands of heavily armed troops, arrests local leaders, enforces a complete…

Kashmir Is Under Attack

Kashmir Is Under Attack

THE current Indian government has acted swiftly and against all international norms, beginning with the use of cluster bombs against the civilian population of Kashmir, and has followed it by…

Most Corrupt Govt. of Last 19 Years Excluded From PTI Govt’s Probe

Most Corrupt Govt. of Last 19 Years Excluded From PTI Govt’s Probe

Last 19 years annual reports of the Berlin-based global watchdog — Transparency International — show corruption at its peak in Pakistan during General Musharraf’s tenure but the PTI government’s probe…

The United State’s Iran Dealings

The United State’s Iran Dealings

Is the United States under President Donald Trump following a well thought-out strategy in dealing with Iran? The first answer to this question would be in the negative given the…

Civil War In Yemen

Civil War In Yemen

Roots of Conflict Sectarian and tribal divides in Yemen had sharpened during the long rule of President Gen Ali Abdullah Saleh. Separatist movement in South Yemen sought independent country. Saleh…

Overview Of Recent History Of Sudan

Overview Of Recent History Of Sudan

General spectrum Sudan had remained a colony of the British for 56 years after which it gained independence on January 1, 1956. Located in northeastern Africa, it shares border with…

Strengthening Regional Security

Strengthening Regional Security

Building strong ties with the Muslim World has been the cornerstone of Pakistan’s foreign policy, particularly with the countries in the Middle East and Gulf region. Qatar is one of…

Govt’s Second Thought On Tarbela-4 Project Incurs Rs. 100 bn Loss

Govt’s Second Thought On Tarbela-4 Project Incurs Rs. 100 bn Loss

The government appears to have developed second thoughts about taking action against those senior Wapda officials who, as per the inquiry, ordered by Prime Minister Imran Khan, were responsible for…

Trump’s Unpredictably And The Iran Affair

Trump’s Unpredictably And The Iran Affair

Ever since Donald Trump moved into the White House, he has focused his administration’s attention on punishing Iran and its people. His reasons for taking these positions are complex but…

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