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India Must Resist Policy Of Racial Division

India Must Resist Policy Of Racial Division

It has been five months since the government of India slammed Kashmir and more than eight million of its residents into a lockdown, isolated from most of the world and…

The Globe Headed Towards A Climate Catastrophe

The Globe Headed Towards A Climate Catastrophe

This article will be published as those responsible for making policies concerning global warming gather for their annual session over how to avert a climate catastrophe. This time the meeting…

The Other Side Of The Coin

The Other Side Of The Coin

My recent articles on Kashmir have evoked a wide range of responses that keep trickling into my mailbox. The majority seems to be in agreement with my alarm at the…

The Current State

The Current State

For the last two or three months the country has been in the grip of commotion. On the one hand, we had the news of the martyrdom of Pakistanis due…

India’s Road To Fascism

India’s Road To Fascism

What so-called democracy in the world invades a disputed territory that has enjoyed autonomy for decades with tens of thousands of heavily armed troops, arrests local leaders, enforces a complete…

Clean And Green Pakistan

Clean And Green Pakistan

The changing climate pattern around the globe poses a formidable threat to dwellers of the earth and though there is a growing consciousness about this potential weapon of mass destruction,…

Strengthening Regional Security

Strengthening Regional Security

Building strong ties with the Muslim World has been the cornerstone of Pakistan’s foreign policy, particularly with the countries in the Middle East and Gulf region. Qatar is one of…

Govt’s Second Thought On Tarbela-4 Project Incurs Rs. 100 bn Loss

Govt’s Second Thought On Tarbela-4 Project Incurs Rs. 100 bn Loss

The government appears to have developed second thoughts about taking action against those senior Wapda officials who, as per the inquiry, ordered by Prime Minister Imran Khan, were responsible for…

Living In A Volatile Neighbourhood

Living In A Volatile Neighbourhood

Pakistan has four neighbours — Afghanistan, China, India and Iran. Following the country’s borderline, this way of looking at Pakistan’s immediate neighbourhood leaves a gap: the Line of Control, or…

Just Why Should It Be So

Just Why Should It Be So

There are billions of people on earth connected through a network of humanity, compassion and care. Dormant but thankfully much less visible are the base instincts of violence and the…

An Exemplary Organisation

An Exemplary Organisation

I was in Karachi recently. It is always very pleasant for me to be there as it is my city. My mother, four brothers, one sister, two sisters-in-law, one niece…

Climate Change: Time To Panic?

Climate Change: Time To Panic?

The question posed above is about climate change; the age of climate panic is here wrote The New York Times in a special report on the subject of what mankind…

Miracles And Governance

Miracles And Governance

Miracles can happen – and that too in various forms. Sometimes they occur without warning while on other occasions we have to wait and pray for them for a long…

Lest You Forget

Lest You Forget

At Kahuta, we were not only a team of colleagues, but all part of one family. We were all working towards one goal: to make nuclear weapons (and later, a…

Welcome The New Year With A Prayer

Welcome The New Year With A Prayer

New Year is upon us. 2018 had been a tumultuous year for Pakistan. It was like a live volcano continuously rumbling with potentially destructive eruptions, everyone was on its wit’s…

Dense Fog Is Coming Back Again Over Lahore

Dense Fog Is Coming Back Again Over Lahore

Pakistan’s environmental problem has many dimensions. All of them need to be the focus of public policy. The government has to move on several fronts at the same time. Not…

Energy Crisis In Pakistan

Energy Crisis In Pakistan

Energy is considered to be life line of any economy and most vital instrument of socioeconomic development of a country. Energy is essential in running machinery in factories and industrial…

Turtle On A Post

Turtle On A Post

This is a brilliantly mischievous story with which many of us may be familiar, yet at the pain of repetition it is worth revisiting as it has a powerful lesson…

Migration And Pakistan’s Development

Migration And Pakistan’s Development

In Pakistan studies, the role of migration in development has been largely ignored. That is surprising since in many respects the country’s experience in this area is unique in the…

Our Depleted Sense Of Heritage

Our Depleted Sense Of Heritage

In the madness of meeting timelines, project goals and catching up with loads of office work ,one tends to forget the value of ‘strategic time out’ even if it is…

Our Depleted Sense Of Heritage

Our Depleted Sense Of Heritage

Amidst the chaos of managing busy schedules for meetings, project goals, and deadlines, one tends to underestimate the value of ‘strategic time out’, even if it is only for few…

Neutralising Negative Image Of Pakistan And Islam

Neutralising Negative Image Of Pakistan And Islam

Last week the ministry of religious affairs and interfaith harmony organised an international conference on promotion of religious tolerance which was attended by grand mufti of Egypt, Shwaki Ibrahim, and…

Life Lessons Through Rich Aanecdotes

Life Lessons Through Rich Aanecdotes

Newspapers nowadays are full of reports on politics, cricket and about the pathetic condition an average Pakistani is living in. We hardly ever see or hear anything good about the…

Impact Of Changing Climate

Impact Of Changing Climate

The changing climate pattern around the globe poses a formidable threat to dwellers of the earth and though there is a growing consciousness about this potential weapon of mass destruction,…

Improving The Narrative About Pakistan

Improving The Narrative About Pakistan

Pakistan’s future also depends on the way the country is perceived by the world outside. The country’s narrative needs to change. It is viewed negatively by the world at large…

Hagia Sophia’s Pitchers

Hagia Sophia’s Pitchers

The Hagia Sophia was built in 537AD as a grand Orthodox Christian basilica in Istanbul and remained so till the Ottoman conquest in 1453 when it was converted into a…

Dina’s Wish

Dina’s Wish

She had hoped to spend the last days of her life with the memories of her darling papa in Mumbai. But her last wish was never fulfilled. Instead, she died…

Silence Is Golden

Silence Is Golden

One can’t help but be shocked by the rhetoric used by political leaders in TV programmes. It leaves the impression that all norms of decency, social value and Divine Edicts…

The Rohingya Massacre

The Rohingya Massacre

For the past few weeks, we have been seeing and hearing about the horrific persecution of Muslims in the Arakan district of Myanmar (formerly Burma). Fanatic Buddhist monks and regular…

Missing Since 1947

Missing Since 1947

I never saw or met Ghulam Fatima in my whole life, but for me she is a symbol of independence. I heard about her for the first time in 1971…

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