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Pulwama An Equilibrium Of Deterrence That Fell Apart

Pulwama An Equilibrium Of Deterrence That Fell Apart

The February 14 Pulwama blast has turned out to be truly a defining moment in relations between India and Pakistan in more ways than one. The perspective canvas of the…

Biggest Ever IMF Package Likely

Biggest Ever IMF Package Likely

Reportedly Fitch Solutions in its latest report on Pakistan’s economy has revealed that Pakistan and the IMF will soon reach an agreement over a potential bailout size of about $12…

Do Unto Others As You Would Do To Yourself

Do Unto Others As You Would Do To Yourself

A friend of mine told me how he had once checked his mother into a local hospital, and as all the private rooms were reserved, his mother had to occupy…

Miracles And Governance

Miracles And Governance

Miracles can happen – and that too in various forms. Sometimes they occur without warning while on other occasions we have to wait and pray for them for a long…

Change For The Worse In India

Change For The Worse In India

Change is inevitable – it affects people as well as countries. What Pakistan is today is not what it was in 1947, the time of its birth; or what it…

Lest You Forget

Lest You Forget

At Kahuta, we were not only a team of colleagues, but all part of one family. We were all working towards one goal: to make nuclear weapons (and later, a…

Welcome The New Year With A Prayer

Welcome The New Year With A Prayer

New Year is upon us. 2018 had been a tumultuous year for Pakistan. It was like a live volcano continuously rumbling with potentially destructive eruptions, everyone was on its wit’s…

Ashiana Housing Scheme Case: Document Destroys NAB Case Against Shahbaz, Fawad

Ashiana Housing Scheme Case: Document Destroys NAB Case Against Shahbaz, Fawad

The very basis of NAB’s case against Shahbaz Sharif and Fawad Hasan Fawad in the Ashiana Housing Scheme has been destroyed by a legal document revealing that the contract of…

March Towards Good Governance

March Towards Good Governance

The concept of good governance centers on the responsibility of governments and governing bodies to meet the needs of the masses as opposed to select groups in the society. It…

Let Us Tread Carefully

Let Us Tread Carefully

Politics is very hot these days, with accusations and the blame game at a peak. This poor country has never seen a quiet, peaceful acceptance of transfer of power. No…

The US Challenge To China

The US Challenge To China

Will the uninterrupted Chinese rise be affected by what some trade analysts are calling an economic cold war? By the end of September the United States and China had slapped…

Patwaris Are More Powerful Than DCs, Even In Naya Pakistan

Patwaris Are More Powerful Than DCs, Even In Naya Pakistan

Earlier this month, a female assistant commissioner in Rahim Yar Khan transferred over three dozen patwaris – the lowest official of the bureaucracy’s highly influential revenue department- in consultation with…

Easing Of Pak-India Trade Tensions

Easing Of Pak-India Trade Tensions

The possible easing of tensions between Pakistan and India will have to occur in a difficult environment. To begin with are the changes Beijing is making in the way it…

US Stops Military Aid To Pakistan

US Stops Military Aid To Pakistan

The US Secretary Defence is reported to have decided to withhold $300 million in aid to Pakistan to ‘change in its behaviour’ towards the US conceived and designed War on…

Energy Crisis In Pakistan

Energy Crisis In Pakistan

Energy is considered to be life line of any economy and most vital instrument of socioeconomic development of a country. Energy is essential in running machinery in factories and industrial…

Between Perfidy & Dignity

Between Perfidy & Dignity

As a rule wealth that is stolen is gleefully plundered once again by those left behind. Saddam Hussain’s famous palace, Muammar Gaddafi’s gold dinner sets, Hosni Mubarak’s billions of dollars…

Trump Stumped

Trump Stumped

Behold, here comes the Emperor on the aisle! “Thou should clap or depart!” – roared the Emperor- Trump, as he climbed the rostrum at a presidential rally held in South…

Turtle On A Post

Turtle On A Post

This is a brilliantly mischievous story with which many of us may be familiar, yet at the pain of repetition it is worth revisiting as it has a powerful lesson…

Will Election Be Held On Time?

Will Election Be Held On Time?

Certain developments that took place on Wednesday are casting doubts about the holding of general elections on July 25th. Initially, it was Balochistan’s Home Minister Sarfraz Bugti who on Wednesday…

An Anodyne Appraisal Of Inherited Challenges

An Anodyne Appraisal Of Inherited Challenges

The PML-N government has completed its mandated period of five years and probably it is the right time to have an anodyne view of its achievements in regards to the…

Imran’s 2018 Promises Hardly Different From 2013’s

Imran’s 2018 Promises Hardly Different From 2013’s

Imran Khan’s 11-point reform programme for the 2018 elections as announced on Sunday night in PTI’s major Lahore rally, is not much different from what the party had pledged before…

Migration And Pakistan’s Development

Migration And Pakistan’s Development

In Pakistan studies, the role of migration in development has been largely ignored. That is surprising since in many respects the country’s experience in this area is unique in the…

Our Depleted Sense Of Heritage

Our Depleted Sense Of Heritage

In the madness of meeting timelines, project goals and catching up with loads of office work ,one tends to forget the value of ‘strategic time out’ even if it is…

Is The Era Of Sharif Family Over?

Is The Era Of Sharif Family Over?

The Sharif family seems to be fighting for its last survival. Within two months, the existing governments in Punjab and the federal will come to an end and the new…

Tips For Tranquillity

Tips For Tranquillity

In this hectic life that we lead, everyone is busy in some way or another. In our daily lives we either seek wealth or peace of mind and heart or…

Bringing Technological Development Into CPEC

Bringing Technological Development Into CPEC

Initially, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) initiative will focus on two sectors: energy and highways. The bulk of the funds that are coming in are committed to solving Pakistan’s energy…

Dealing With Rampant Corruption

Dealing With Rampant Corruption

Corruption is generally defined as misuse of entrusted power or authority by the elected politicians or appointed civil servants for private gains. It usually entails embezzlement of funds, nepotism, kickbacks,…

No Probe In Saudi Arabia Against Sharifs

No Probe In Saudi Arabia Against Sharifs

The Sharif brothers’ visit to Jeddah is linked with Saudi Arabia’s desire to see Pakistan stable and strong not only for Islamabad’s own interest but also in the interest of…

Improving The Narrative About Pakistan

Improving The Narrative About Pakistan

Pakistan’s future also depends on the way the country is perceived by the world outside. The country’s narrative needs to change. It is viewed negatively by the world at large…

A Realistic View Of The Economy

A Realistic View Of The Economy

There is no dearth of people around who are bent upon denigrating the economic performance of the country, orchestrated by the PML-N government over the last four years, for reasons…

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